🟡Smart Portal (DAPP)

A Dapp, short for "decentralized application," is a type of software application that runs on a decentralized network such as a blockchain.

TRC is the native coin of the smart portal, which allows users to create and trade a wide variety of assets. Staking TRC coins & nfts involves locking your TRC coins in a wallet and holding them as collateral for the creation of synthetic assets. There are several strengths to staking TRC tokens, including:

  • Reward earnings: users who stake TRC coins are eligible to receive rewards in TRC as an incentive. These rewards are distributed monthly based on the user's contribution to the network.

  • Governance participation: TRC coin holders who stake also have the right to vote on governance decisions of the TRC Coin platform. This means that users have a voice in important decisions that affect the future of the platform.

  • Increased network security: staking TRC coins helps to increase network security by ensuring that there is always a significant amount of TRC coin locked as collateral for the creation of synthetic assets.

  • Potential token appreciation: with greater adoption of the TRC Coin platform and an increase in demand for synthetic assets, the value of the TRC coin can potentially increase, resulting in greater returns for token holders who stake.

In summary, staking TRC can be an attractive way for token holders to earn rewards, have a voice in governance decisions, increase network security, create synthetic assets, and potentially obtain significant financial returns.

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